Delta E Calculator

Phone iage

Color Difference Calculator App

This calculator will take input of two sets LAB color values, typicaly provided by a spectrophotometer and calculate the difference expressed as Delta E.

Available now in the App Store!


  1. Set your preferred Calculation method under the Settings tab.
    (Full version only. Lite version restricts to the less accurate CIE1976 formula.)
  2. Enter the L, a and b values on the Reference side of the color you are trying to match to.
    These might be provided by a spectrophotmeter, or known Lab value for a color such as a Pantone swatch.
  3. Enter the L, a and b values on the Sample side of the color you are comparing.
    Again, these might be provided by a spectrophotmeter, or known Lab value for a color to determine its similarity to the reference color.
  4. The Delta of the specified method will display under the color chips.
    Delta values less than 1 are generally considered indistinguishable unless the colors are touching.
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